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An exclusive evening just for Amplify customers


An exclusive evening just for Amplify customers

Register now to join Afrika Afeni Mills—Director of Diversity, Equity, and Inclusion with BetterLesson—on March 3, 2021, from 6 - 7:30 EST.

Afrika will lead a discussion on reimagining learning in a post-COVID world.

  • Holding space for recovery, reflection, and dreaming
  • What do we mean when we say learning loss?
  • How can we acknowledge COVID-related losses and honor student learning experiences?
  • How do we make sure to ground our work in relevant instructional practices as we move forward?

When you sign up for this VIP event, you’ll receive a complimentary registration for the Built for These Times: Making the Shift to the Science of Reading symposium on the following day. But to say thank you for being an Amplify customer, we’ve also created this exclusive pre-symposium event just for you!

This is your chance to connect with fellow educators prior to the symposium—be sure to register while seats are still available.

Can't attend live? We'll record the event and send it out to all registrants afterward, so you won't miss a thing.